In my search for a good cream pea recipe, I found many, but none that quite matched what I wanted. So I took to my own creativity and came up with this...
This is a quick, easy, and delicious recipe that all will enjoy. Try adding cooked, cubed pork or chicken, bean sprouts, water chestnuts, sliced almonds,...
Simple and quick to prepare. Sugar snap peas are quickly fried with green onion and garlic, and tossed with fresh mint leaves. Wonderful use for spring...
This is a healthy, delicious, and easy side dish that takes about 10 minutes to make. I'm borrowing the name from Pasta Primavera which, like this recipe,...
Mushy Peas are a great side dish with fried cod or salmon. Note: You can add more liquid (water or cream) depending how mushy you want your peas. Use low...
Great for busy moms and dads to make a bunch on a Sunday and freeze for the weeks ahead. This can be used with other first foods for your baby! Apples...
A creamy deep-dish casserole featuring everyone's favorite: PEAS! Don't be afraid of these little green morsels of goodness. And consider this one for...
This is very easy recipe, with basmati rice and green peas. It is very mild and fragrant, and great as a side dish, or for those picky kids who don't like...
Quinoa is an ancient South American grain, often called a 'superfood' because of its high content of protein, fiber, iron, and amino acids. It can be used...
A friend of mine served this side dish for a group dinner. We all loved and devoured it. It's so very easy and versatile that you can personalize it to...
This recipe has been in my family for years. It was my grandmother's. The peas are whole, not like baby food creamed peas! They simmer in bacon grease,...
This tastes exactly like the dish that I always get at my favorite Indian restaurant. I made it up one day and everyone was shocked. It has quite the mix...
Sometimes when I'm out of time I make this colorful mix of crunchy vegetables that is super quick and easy to make. Sweet corn, red pepper, and peas are...
This recipe is so special I only served it for holidays or special occasions, and then I realized any day is special. This can be made ahead and kept warm...
I'm a little bit Italian, but I certainly can't say much in Italian. That's okay, because this recipe speaks for me. This was one of those, 'What can I...
This is a family variation of a Lebanese green bean and meat stew. I grew up eating this every New Year's, and it is the only way my family will eat their...